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korean culture中文是什么意思

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  • 韩国文化


  • Herald : brian , as a korean - american , how was it assimilating to korean culture
  • Audiences will enjoy and feel not only the traditional but also the modern aspect of korean culture
  • Andong is widely known as a city of high etiquette . it also has preserved traditional korean culture well
  • Over the years , kimchi has frequently been billed , particularly in korean culture , as a miracle food with an amazing array of health benefits
  • Korean films and culture are not known until then . i hope the remake will be an infiltration of the korean culture into the us market
  • Korean films and culture are not known until then . i hope the remake will be an infiltration of the korean culture into the us market
  • Tipping is not part of korean culture , although it has become a matter of course in interntional hotels where a 10 service charge is often added
  • Tipping is not part of korean culture , although it has become a matter of course in international hotels where a 10 % service charge is often added
  • 5 international symposium on the traditional chinese and korean culture and modernization . co - sponsored with myong - ji university . peking university
  • Korean culture places a high value on politeness , and it seems influence the personalities of korean women , which is what i admire in a woman
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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